Spring brings sunshine, flowers, and warmer weather, but it also brings a number of pests that can wreak havoc or just be an annoyance in your home and yard. These pests include ants, bees, spiders, and fleas.

Durham, NC – The VP and General Manager of Rid-A-Bug Exterminating, Marty L. Roberts from Wilkes County, NC was elected to the position of Vice President of the North Carolina Pest Management Association (NCPMA) during their 70th annual Pest Control Technician School in January 2020. Roberts’ one-year term will begin in July 2020 and end June 2021.

Do you feel like it has already been a long, cold winter? After an unseasonably warm holiday season, it seems like winter came to our area at full strength. We have already seen multiple snowy events, and there is no sign of the cold abating any time soon.

With subfreezing temperatures, snow, and ice, you might be wondering why in the world you have pests in your home. The one perk of winter should be the lack of bugs, right? Unfortunately, many insects and rodents are active throughout the season.

Wouldn’t it be nice if pests hibernated during the winter? It would be… but not all of them do! While we do get a nice little break from mosquitos and black flies, we still have to deal with mice, rats, cockroaches, spiders, and other creepy crawlies that seek shelter from the cold. 

You may start to feel like you’re running an Airbnb for pests in your cozy home. Winter is not even halfway over. It is not uncommon for temperatures to remain frigid through March. You can’t just wait till spring for them to go away. You’re going to have to do something about those pesky winter pests right away.

Not to worry: with a few simple steps, you can kick them out and prevent the damage, bites, allergies, and mess they create.

What do kangaroos, koalas, Tasmanian devils, and opossums have in common? They’re all marsupials. But you’re likely to only encounter the opossum here in the Southern US. If you’re like most of us, you appreciate wildlife - but want it to stay in the wild. When animals begin entering your yard, outbuildings, garage, or even your home, they can become a messy, inconvenient, and stressful nuisance. What do you need to know as we head into mating opossum mating season?

“Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…” Yes, this is a classic Christmas poem - but it does bring up a relevant point! Do mice, and other rodents, really sleep or hibernate over the winter? The answer is not a straightforward yes or no. There are over 1500 different species of rodents - and they don’t all share the same habits. Obviously, you won’t have a capybara taking up residence in your attic (the world’s largest rodent looks like a guinea pig… a guinea pig that’s the size of a golden retriever!)... but you are probably concerned about more common pests.