A long hot summer finally seems to have come to an end. After a relatively warm winter and spring, summer seemed to bring an excess of the pests and critters we hate the most. Ants, termites, spiders, stink bugs, and ticks were certainly plentiful this year. Homeowners in the Carolinas and Virginia also noticed quite a bit of their least favorite wildlife. 

Notably, there were snakes a-plenty throughout the warm season.

Fall is in the air. It is the best time of year in North Carolina and Virginia. We finally get a break from the potentially oppressive heat of summer, with cool nights and mornings. The ground is still warm, and temperatures are pleasant during the day.

Most mornings start with wispy mist rising from the rivers and draping the foothills and mountains in blankets of puffy fog. Through October and November, the mountains, hills, and valleys turn marvelous shades of orange, red, and purple. It is a season for enjoying the outdoors, building campfires, and watching sports with your friends and family. 

People often want to believe that pests go away the first time the weather gets cool enough to justify wearing a sweater; however, there are bugs that plague us throughout fall and winter.

If you ask residents of the Carolinas and Virginia about their favorite season, a few might say summer for the warmth, or spring for the smells and colors. Many will proudly answer that Autumn is by far the best season to be in our area. From campfires and pumpkin spice to changing leaves and sweater-weather, the fall is a great time to be in the foothills and piedmont.


One of the best things about Fall is Halloween. For most years, it means decorating your home in the scariest manner possible and trick-or-treating. Your neighborhood becomes a frightening place to be outdoors. Not really, of course, it’s all in good fun. But a real reason to be scared is likely hiding in your home’s floors, walls, and furniture.

Rats, squirrels, and termites… oh my! You may see your attic as a space to store Christmas decorations or old clothes. Pests see it as a deluxe Airbnb… but they’re not paying guests, and they leave the place a wreck. They come for shelter, warmth, and in many cases, free food. What pests might be hiding in your attic right now - and how do you evict them for good? 

No one wants pests invading their yards or home - but it’s far too easy to let them in inadvertently. If you’re dealing with winged, stinging, biting, scurrying, creeping, or crawling invaders, they may have been attracted by these 10 common factors.