Where Bugs Hide in Your Home

Where Bugs Hide in Your Home

Most people share their homes with unwelcome guests. Whether they hop, crawl, run or fly into your home, bugs are eager to settle in if they can find sustainable food, water, and shelter. 

Bugs like to take advantage of the tiniest openings to find a route into your cozy home. 

Unfortunately, once they’re inside, it can be hard to figure out where these bugs are hiding unless you know where to look. 

Here are a few indoor hiding places bugs will be hiding in your home. 


Where Bugs Hide in Your Home?

1. Attics, Basements & Closets

These storage areas serve as ideal places for bugs (especially spiders and cockroaches) to hide. They’re also undisturbed a lot of the time. Cockroaches particularly appreciate cool, dark corners, moisture-rich floor drains, and sump pumps, while spiders are attractive to dry and quiet places. 

Check for bugs behind boxes and stored furniture and in hollow spaces like floor joists and rafters. Look for spiders in crevices, storage boxes, the inside of shoes or items, and even on hanging clothing.  Termites are especially troublesome because of the damage that they can cause to your home. 

To prevent termites from infesting, maintain proper ventilation and sealing for moisture control. 

How to Get Rid Bugs in Attics, Basements, and Closets

  • Eliminate clutter
  • Take out the trash
  • Recycle newspaper, papers, and cardboard
  • Vacuum or sweep away webs and egg sacs
  • Use a long-lasting bug barrier along with the basement foundations, attic vents, and garage entrances

2. Bathrooms & Laundry Rooms

You can find all sorts of creepy crawling things in the bathroom when it comes to bugs. Bathrooms and laundry rooms create a warm, moist environment that is beloved by bugs of all types, including cockroaches. 

The primary places bugs like to hide are under sinks, toilets, underneath and behind washers and dryers, behind picture frames and wall decorations, and in and around vents and ducts. 

Check all plumbing for leaks, and wipe down shower stalls, tub floors, and sinks before bedtime to reduce available water for thirsty insects. 

How to Get Rid of Bugs in Bathrooms and Laundry Rooms

  • Fix leaky faucets
  • Pick up piles of wet towels or clothing
  • Caulk around cracks and crevices, including under sinks and toilets
  • Use a kill home-invading insect wherever bugs hide

3. Kitchen & Pantries

Ants, cockroaches, and other indoor bugs favor the kitchen and pantries for one simple reason, access to plenty of food and water. You can look for them inside cabinets where food is stored, as well as under sinks where there’s usually moisture from drain pipes and garbage disposals. 

Warm appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, and toaster ovens are hot spots for insects, too. They’re also attractive to trash cans, thanks to all the food they can find there. 

How to Get Rid of Bugs in Kitchens and Pantries

  • Remove food sources, like empty beverage cans, open food containers, crumbs, and pet food bowls. 
  • Clean up spills, wipe up messes, and wash dirty dishes as soon as possible
  • Collect and remove all trash regularly.
  • Seal window and door seams
  • Adjust window screens, and door sweeps to ensure a tight fit
  • Kill bugs and create a barrier with an indoor insect killer spray

4. In Your Garage

If you suspect bugs are coming from your garage, but can’t find where they’ve settled, check-in and around your car. Insects and pests can weasel their way into your car’s trunk or under the hood where it’s warm and dry. 

Not only mice and rats can wreak serious havoc in there by chewing and gnawing through wires, cockroaches, spiders, and fleas have also been known to find their ways into vehicles. The garage is dark with less foot traffic; many bugs will retreat here after raiding your house. 

An easy waypoint between the outside and inside provides shelter and food sources with shelter and food through such things as garbage, cardboard boxes, grills, and more. 

How to Get Rid of Bugs in Your Garage

  • Clean your garage and car
  • Check for cracks and crevices
  • Remove food temptations
  • Keep up with garage door maintenance

Rid-A-Bug Exterminating

If you are looking for an effective and long-term pest control solution, contact us today at Rid-A-Bug, your best residential pest control service in Western North Carolina. We help homeowners get rid of overwhelming bugs and take preventative measures to control the infestation. Call us to discuss custom pest control treatments with our experts