Should You Invest in Mosquito Control Services?

Should You Invest in Mosquito Control Services?

For many, the spring and summer months are the best time of year. People associate this season with sunshine and warm temperatures. The weather is perfect for cookouts and outdoor gatherings. The pools are open, and the water is comfortable. Here in the piedmont and foothills, we are not too far away from the beach for a day trip or weekend getaway. When the mercury climbs too high, we can go up to the higher elevations around Boone, Blowing Rock, and the Grayson Highlands to get a break from the humidity and explore the mountains. 

While there is so much to love and enjoy about the summer, it is also the season for annoying pests and wildlife. We must diligently watch our homes and property for venomous snakes and spiders, termites, and carpenter ants. These types of insects and wildlife threaten our family or could damage our homes. But there is a certain pest that might be the most annoying of all.

While we don't associate mosquitoes with being directly harmful to our family members, they are prevalent in our area and can be incredibly aggravating. mosquitoes might be more of a threat than a mere aggravation. 


You know how it goes in the summer. It's too hot to hang outside until the sun gets low enough to take the edge off the heat. You fire up the grill and move your family and friends out to the deck or patio. As the sun sets, it is pleasantly mild, and the sky is filled with beautiful colors. You are ready to declare that it is just perfect outdoors when, suddenly, your guests are slapping their arms and legs, swatting wildly until you are driven back inside. How many of your cookouts and birthday parties have been spoiled by mosquitoes? They are not just a nuisance; however, they can carry harmful diseases and become a threat to the people you love most. 

In this article, we want to help answer whether it is worth your time and money to invest in a mosquito control subscription. 

What Are Mosquitoes?

The term mosquito comes from the Spanish word for "little fly." They are an international pest, affecting countries throughout the earth. There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide. In North America, we are home to approximately 1,700 species, many of which make their way to the Carolinas and Virginia. 

By the nature of their name, we know they are tiny, often biting you before you see them. Their elongated mouths are designed specifically for the purpose of efficiently nourishing their bodies on the blood of their hosts (you and your family). When well-nourished, they can lay numerous eggs. They spend most of their lives as larva or pupa, but adult males only live for about a week. Even in that short span of time, they do a lot of damage. Unfortunately, throughout the world, upwards of 700,000 people lose their lives to mosquito-borne diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, dengue fever, Zika, and West Nile. Many historians believe mosquitoes have taken the lives of 5% of the world's population throughout history. 

For residents of the Carolinas and Virginia, you may not have to worry as much about the worst kind of mosquito-borne diseases; however, mosquitoes can still make you and your family sick. In addition to potentially carrying a harmful disease, a mosquito bite can cause an allergic reaction or infection. In other words, there is no reason you will want to have mosquitoes around. 

Why Do You Have Mosquitoes?

Wherever there is at least an inch of water, mosquitoes can breed. Here are a few places to look for the standing water that can attract so many mosquitoes:

  • Stagnant Ponds: We have quite a bit of fast-flowing water in our part of the Carolinas and Virginia. If your property is near a flowing creek or river, it is not likely the source for mosquitoes. However, if you have a pond that has shallow sections or still pools in your stream or river, you may have the perfect place for mosquitoes. 
  • Ditches and Culverts: The leaves changing colors and falling during autumn is one of the most special parts of living in our area. However, those leaves can clog culverts and keep ditches from draining properly, leading to water pooling in ditches. Mosquitoes love these areas. 
  • Tall Grass and Yard Debris: Often, areas of tall grass and yard debris can trap enough moisture to provide a breeding ground for obnoxious mosquitoes. 
  • Gutter Pools: If your gutters are clogged or you have poor drainage from them away from your yard, you may end up with puddles deep enough for mosquitoes to use for breeding.
  • Birdbaths and Fountains: While pretty to watch, bird baths often provide plenty of stagnant water for mosquitoes. One alternative is to limit the amount of time your birdbath is full.
  • Pet Water Bowls: If you have pets that spend time outdoors, you might have water bowls. To reduce the opportunities for mosquitoes to breed, change your pet water bowls often. 

In addition to attracting mosquitoes to your yard, you and your family may be engaging in some practices that attract mosquitoes to yourselves. 

  • Dark clothes: During the spring and summer, dark-colored clothing creates enough contrast to attract mosquitoes looking for nourishment. 
  • Alcohol: As the sun goes down, having an outdoor alcoholic beverage gets your heart rate up and causes your body to produce more carbon dioxide, which is effectively sending out bait for hungry mosquitoes. 
  • Sweat: Doing yard work or exercising outside may make you sweaty, which will attract mosquitoes. 
  • Food: Bananas and avocados have a lot of potassium, which is great for preventing cramps. Unfortunately, potassium-rich food creates an aroma that calls mosquitoes from your yard to come feast. 

The truth is every yard in our area is going to have mosquitoes. Can home and property owners do anything to reduce their population and impact? There are some professional mosquito control solutions that could do just that. 

How Does Mosquito Control Work?

Proactive homeowners may want to go out and destroy mosquito breeding grounds. Eliminating standing water is a great way to make your property less appealing to these blood-sucking flying needles, but it may not be enough to drive them away completely. We have developed a treatment to eliminate mosquitoes at the source and will even help to get rid of potential mosquito breeding areas that may be in your own backyard. After one treatment, you should see a dramatic reduction in the number of mosquitoes plaguing your yard; however, many home and property owners choose to continue with a plan for ongoing treatments. 

Is Mosquito Control Safe?

While you may desperately want to get rid of mosquitoes, there are many insects you want to leave out of the line of fire. You may be concerned about butterflies and bees, as well as your plants and pets. Fortunately, you can trust that our mosquito control solutions are safe for pets, plants, and other more desirable insects. In fact, there are requirements we must meet in order to ensure their safety. 

"The E.P.A. says registered compounds are safe and effective when they are prepared and applied according to their labeled use."-New York Times

Mosquito control services are far safer than the risk mosquitoes pose to you and your family's health. 

How Much Does Mosquito Control Cost?

There are a number of factors that determine the cost of mosquito control services for Rid-A-Bug, including:

  • Property size
  • Number of mosquito attractors 
  • Frequency of treatments 
  • At what point during the season we begin treatments

For a typical quarter to a half-acre lot, you can expect to spend around $300 to $500 dollars on ongoing mosquito treatments. We have heard from countless home and property owners that the cost is well worth winning their yards back from mosquitoes. 

Whom Should You Trust With Mosquito Control?

Mosquito control services are not a DIY project. It is a safe and effective method to exterminate mosquitoes; however, if performed incorrectly, it could become unsafe or ineffective. No one wants to invest in the tools and materials only to find that they still have just as many mosquitoes as they did before they started the project. You want the steady hand of an experienced, licensed professional. In the Carolinas and Virginia, there is no one better than the team at Rid-A-Bug Exterminating. We have been around for almost fifty years as a family-owned and operated pest control company fighting to make outdoor gatherings fun and mosquito-free. We have a lot of experience and the licensing to prove our expertise:

  • Licensed, Certified and Registered staff – North Carolina Department of Agriculture
  • WDIR Accredited Inspectors – North Carolina Pest Management Association
  • Quality Pro Certified – National Pest Control Management Association
  • NC Wildlife Damage Control Agent – NC Wildlife Commission
  • TAP Insulation Certified Installer

What sets us apart includes:

  • We offer Same-Day Service (Or Within 24 Hours)
  • We will service your property on weekends & evenings
  • Warranties Available (For Retreatment And Damage Repair)
  • LEED Certified Treatments Available
  • We Have Over 50 Years of Combined Pest Management Experience
  • All Technicians State-Registered for Pest Management & Wood Destroying Insects
  • Local, Family-Owned Company

Do you have far too many mosquitoes in your yard? We can help. You might start with one-time mosquito extermination for a get-together, or you just need to see if it works. Otherwise, you might just want to dive right in with an ongoing subscription plan. Either way, you can trust our team to be professional, customer-service-oriented, and committed to making your property safe from pesky mosquitoes. Contact the area's best exterminators for more information about getting rid of mosquitoes in the Carolinas and Virginia