Seeing flying ants in your home is never a good sign, but having these winged ants in your home during winter is problematic because these flying ants are getting ready to breed and living within the structure of your home.
In summer, flying ants live outdoors; however, they often find themselves flying through an open door or crawling through a gap and simply get inside.
Difference Between Ants and Termites
Flying ants and termite swarmers look very similar due to their size, color, and wings. Termites cause significant damage to your home, while flying ants will not create structural damage, but only nest in it. Some ants species are much larger than termites, though smaller ants look identical to termites. To determine whether it’s a termite or an ant, look for:
- Dark-colored bodies
- Narrow waists
- Elbowed antennae
- Hind wings are shorter than front winds.
Termites are very similar to flying ants because of their size and wings; however, unlike flying ants, termites have two wings on each side, all of equal lengths. Termite’s wings are delicate, meaning when they land on the ground, their wings break off as opposed to flying ants. You can tell that a termite swarm has happened when you see piles of waxy wings around your home. Flying ants are more likely to be seen out in the open than termites are.
How Do I Get Rid of Flying Ants?
Eliminating flying ants at your home can be challenging to do on your own. Once a swarm accumulates, flying ants will emerge in as many as hundreds of thousands. Fortunately, flying ants typically last for a few hours to a few days. Flying ants will use their wings to leave the colony and reproduce. Swarming does not frequently happen, so pest control companies will focus on preventing flying ants rather than exterminating them. You can vacuum up flying ants and dispose of them because they are visible, unlike termites. Flying ants are likely to enter your home through cracks and gaps around your home, including open windows, basement, or attic. Your best defense against flying ants and other pests is to seal up these areas and keep your kitchen counter and floors free of crumbs and food. Without an entry point or a food source, ants will find your home less appealing. If flying ants have already inflicted, next would be the use of an insecticide to kill ants that have built their nest indoors.
- Dust: One option is to use insecticidal dust that can be injected into the area where the ants are living. If it’s difficult to get to the area, small holes may need to be drilled so the insecticidal dust can be injected into their nest.
- Bait: Another option is to use bait. Although bait is much slower acting, it can be easier and safer to use. Foraging ants will pick up the bait and carry it back to the colony and queen to eliminate the entire colony. Ant baits are widely sold in stores and are often labeled for many different ants. Always read the label to be sure it is labeled for flying ants and follow all label directions.
- Spray: Insecticide sprays will have a little impact on the ant population because the spray will only kill ants that are foraging for food or visible. If ants have simply flown indoors from outside, sprays can provide extermination of these occasional invaders.
Flying Ant Service Near Me
Pest control services are your best defense against potential swarms. If you are looking to find a local, reputable company for winged ant service in Davidson, Cornelius, Mooresville, or Huntersville, look no further than Rid-A-Bug. With over 50 years of experience, we have grown to be able to rid almost any pest or insect from your property. When a technician arrives on a service call, a full inspection of the property is conducted. We then determine the problem and the steps needed to exterminate your pest. If you have an ant problem, contact us to have them removed quickly and thoroughly before they swarm.
Unsure whether you've got flying ants or termites? Read our article on how to identify termites and termite damage.